Social Group Purchasing

Social Group Purchasing

Leverage your social network to conduct
group purchasing

Collective Savings

Collective Savings

With higher spending comes
increased savings

Leverage Purchasing Knowledge

Leverage Purchasing Knowledge

Tap into your procurement network for category
knowledge and best practices

See How it Works

Send Invitation to Group Buy

Send Invitation to Group Buy

Via LinkedIn, you send a message to your procurement contacts that may be purchasing the same category.

Contacts Accept
& Re-Invite

Contacts Accept & Re-Invite

If they are interested in participating, they provide their spend information and then pass it along the invitation to their contacts.

Spend Converge Negotiates a Price

Spend Converge Negotiates a Price

Spend Converge performs its Quick Source process and negotiates on behalf of all participants to drive greater savings.

Spend Converge News


Spend Converge Launches

In July of 2012, Spend Converge based in Chicago, IL, launches the first social media based sourcing app. Spend Converge is a Gro... Read more


How we are different from GPOs

Group Purchasing Organization (GPO)s have been around for a while and it has seen success in area such as food service industry. ... Read more


Social Strategies That Work

In his Harvard Business Review article “Social Strategies That Work” ( strategies-that-work/ar/pr),... Read more